Eco-conception & énergie

Appareils de chauffage, ampoules, lave-linges, appareils électroniques… Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les problématiques de présomption de conformité pour ces produits ? Sur la règlementation en vigueur ? Sur les incertitudes de mesure et des tolérances dans le cadre de la surveillance du marché ?

  • Découvrez le F.A.Q (en anglais) spécial éco-conception et étiquetage des produits liés à l’énergie, fruit du travail du groupe de coordination CEN-CENELEC.

Environmental performance, reduction of energy consumption, protection for the environment – that is the objectives of the European Directives 2009/215/CE and 2010/30/EU for the Ecodesign and labeling requirements for energy-related products.

European Standards are developed in order to provide manufacturers with dedicated methods for measuring the energy performance of their products against the compulsory values set in the European Regulations.

These works cover several products : heaters, lamps, washing machines, electronic devices. To ensure
strategic and technical coordination, the specific Sector Forum CEN-CENELEC Eco-CG was set up.


Standardization – Presumption of conformity


1.1 – Is Annex ZZ identical to Annex ZA ?

1.2 – What are the conditions to have a harmonized standard?

1.3 – Considering that the transitional methods will be replaced by harmonized standards when the references are published in OJEU, shall all the points of the transitional methods be included in the draft standards under drafting ?

1.4 – Is there any transitional period for applying harmonized standard when transitional methods exist ?

1.5 – Is it necessary to repeat the threshold/limit values set in regulation in the relevant harmonized standards ?

1.6 – What are the technical documentation and the declared value, both mentioned in the Annex « Verification procedure » of Ecodesign regulations

1.7 – Shall an existing harmonized standard be revised when an amendment to regulation is published ?

1.8 – In Annex ZA (CEN) and ZZ (CENELEC) to which requirements should we refer – requirements given in the regulation or those described in the standardization request ?


2 – Regulatory process

2.1 – Is there any difference between a « Commission regulation » and a « Implementing measure » in the field of Ecodesign and Energy labelling directives ?

2.2 – Amongst criteria for implementation of regulation, shall the product volume of sales and trade represent more than 200 000 units a year within the Community ?

2.3 – Is there any difference between « exploratory study », « scoping study », « exploratory limited study » ?

2.4 – Are the missions/role of the European Commission consultant different from those of the New Approach Consultant ?

2.5 – Are transitional methods be considered as « reliable, accurate and reproducible methods that take into account the generally recognised state-of-the-art methods » as commonly required in Implementing Measures in the Annex titled « Measurements and calculations”?


3 – Tolerances and uncertainties

3.1 – Are the values declared under the Energy labelling Directive, and threshold value to be respected, subjected to a tolerance?

3.2 – Should any verification tolerance quoted in the implementing measures under directive 2009/125/EC be higher than the measurement uncertainty?

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