Digital Technologies

Mass digitization, described by some as driving a “change in civilization”, concerns all economic sectors.

Digital technologies, including artificial intelligence which is the subject of a specific strategic focus area, are at the heart of major societal and economic issues.

Economic players need to adapt and anticipate these changes as well as their impacts on production and consumption patterns.

At the same time, jobs and skills are being transformed: it is thought that 85% of jobs in 2030 do not exist yet, while many others will simply disappear.

Standardization can provide answers to many issues related to digitization: interoperability, deploying the Internet of Connected Objects (IoT), blockchain technology and its applications, big data, working conditions, cybersecurity and personal data protection, support for new European regulations (GDPR, Payments services directive), degraded modes of operation, the environmental impact of digital technology, etc.




  • Complete the work undertaken at European level to help prevent manipulation of information (fake news) in digital media.



  • Strengthen the French presence and contribution in bodies involved with digital technologies, including ISO, IEC and ETSI, in particular relating to the Internet of Things, data governance, blockchain technology and its application, 5G technology and edge computing.
  • Be involved in developing standardization documents supporting the new European regulations on cybersecurity and thereby help strengthen protection of online businesses and users.



  • In October 2019 France hosted the half-yearly meeting of the SC 27, the international organization in which professionals develop voluntary standards on information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection. French players made their voices heard. More info here

> Order document AFNOR SPEC Z90-030 on measuring the extreme risk of re-identification of a database (February 2020)
> Purchase standard NF Z42-013 on electronic archiving
> Download the french standardization strategy